Fish tanks are messy by nature, using an aquarium vacuum as part of the regular maintenance can greatly improve the water quality and ensure the tank is a safe environment for fish and live plants. A gravel vacuum makes it possible to remove debris, such as fish or plant waste and uneaten food from an […]
Best Fish Tank & Aquarium Undergravel Filters
As an Amazon Associate I earn from qualifying purchases. Filtration is a necessary part of aquarium maintenance, and it is a very important part of keeping fish. Aquariums can be messy, and through natural processes a fish tank can become harmful to its inhabitants. Proper filtration removes uneaten food, fish waste, plant detritus, and odor, […]
Best Fish Tank & Aquarium Internal Filters
There is a lot riding on selecting the best aquarium filter. Fish and live plants produce waste and detritus. Uneaten food can accumulate and break down. Even dust from outside the tank can find its way inside and settle into the aquarium. A filter removes all of this waste and ammonia, cleaning the water. Clean […]
Best Fish Tank & Aquarium Power Filters
As an Amazon Associate I earn from qualifying purchases. A power filter is probably the most important part of an aquarium. Between fish and plants aquariums are messy. Uneaten food, fish waste, detritus from plants, and even dirt and dust from outside of the tank can build up inside. A messy tank can incubate the […]
Best 60 Gallon Aquarium
If you want to upgrade your existing setup, or if you are just starting out fishkeeping, finding the right tank can be a challenge. A 60 gallon aquarium is a big commitment, so selecting the fish tank that is right for you and your space is important. The first decision you need to make is […]