As an Amazon Associate I earn from qualifying purchases. Whether you’re collecting cars, coins or antique furniture, maintenance is crucial to preserving the aesthetic, vibrancy and especially in the case of fish, lifespan of your beautiful creatures. Maintenance can be a dirty word to some as it entails work, commitment, and precious time but with […]
Fish Tank Setup Guide
As an Amazon Associate I earn from qualifying purchases. Choosing the correct fish tank is something only you can do. You need to take into account the style you are looking for, the space you have for it, and finally the size that is right for the type and amount of fish you would like […]
Betta Fish Care Guide
As an Amazon Associate I earn from qualifying purchases. Background Siamese Fighting Fish or Betta Splendens, commonly known as Betta Fish, originate from the rice paddies, muddy ponds, and wild streams of Southeast Asia, mostly from Thailand. Traditional bettas were not so colorful and bright, and typically had short fins and longer bodies. Due to […]