There are two main kinds of saltwater angelfish: the Large Saltwater Angelfish and the Dwarf Saltwater Angelfish. In this article, we’re going to look at the smaller variety: the dwarf saltwater angelfish. The dwarf saltwater angelfish contains a variety of species that are very colorful and beautiful to look at. This fish looks quite a […]
Best Protein Skimmer for Tanks Over 300 Gallons
Keeping the tank clean is one of the many challenges aquarists face. Aquarium water can easily get dirty because of fish food and excretory waste. If you’re having this same problem, your fish tank needs a reliable protein skimmer. Saltwater protein skimmers play an important part in maintaining fish tanks. It improves the quality of […]
Best 75 Gallon Fish Tanks
A lot of people are growing interest in fish keeping as a hobby. However, only a genuinely passionate aquarist is going to think about expanding his fish tank. If you are one of those people who are getting serious about fish keeping, you might think of getting a bigger aquarium. You know what you need? […]
Freshwater Angelfish
The freshwater angelfish is a beautiful tropical fish that can be a nice addition to your aquarium. They’re graceful, easy to care for and plentiful, which make them a popular choice for the beginning hobbyist. The freshwater angelfish Pterophyllum scalare is a species of cichlid and in the wild can be found in the waters […]
Best Protein Skimmer for Tanks Between 150 and 300 Gallons
Aquarium protein skimmers are easily one of the most important parts of your tank mechanisms. We’ve mentioned that a few times in the several buying guides for the best saltwater protein skimmers we’ve put out so far. But for this guide we’re talking about a protein skimmer for tanks that are larger than your fishbowl […]