As an Amazon Associate I earn from qualifying purchases. The best environment for tropical fish, regardless of whether they are freshwater fish or saltwater fish, is one that maintains somewhere between 78 and 84 degrees Fahrenheit, 25.5 and 29 degrees Celsius. That might be easy to maintain for some but for many the temperature of […]
Best 15 Gallon Fish Tanks
The size of your fish tank is important. Whether you keep freshwater fish or saltwater fish, be they tropical fish or marine fish, as pets, they all have one thing in common that needs to be addressed to ensure their home is happy and healthy; the size of the tank. While water types and filtration […]
Best Fish Tank & Aquarium Canister Filters
It’s not enough to just say you want a good filter on your fish tank. There are parts to every filter that make it work and make it the best that it can be. Canister filters serve as one of the most important components to a successful fish tank and figuring out which one is […]
Best Freshwater Aquarium Water Test Kit
There’s a lot that goes into making sure the aquarium you choose for your pet fish is the safest one possible. While volume and capacity control of the tank is important, as well as the filtration system and current strength, one of the most important things you could do is ensure the water is safe […]
Best 2 Gallon Fish Tanks
Do you have a small array of fish you keep as pets? While large, multi gallon fish tanks are aplenty and nice aesthetic, you don’t need to waste energy, money, and resources on something that’s too large. Just as well, your fish and other aquatic life forms need plenty of room to swim freely in […]